by Bryan
There’s the Omicron variant of COVID-19, The Narrative around Omicron, and the Market’s reaction to The Narrative around Omicron. Make no mistake: there is correlation amongst these designations but it is not a complete overlap.
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There’s the Omicron variant of COVID-19, The Narrative around Omicron, and the Market’s reaction to The Narrative around Omicron. Make no mistake: there is correlation amongst these designations but it is not a complete overlap.
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To celebrate our latest SSRN paper, we’ve put together a trident of content around our Country-Oriented Volatility-Enhanced Strategies (COVES). The first prong is the SSRN paper itself, the second prong represents a DeFi synth token proposal, and the third and final prong shows a quick application of the COVES template to Haiti, a country that could use a high-return domestic investment vehicle but lacks the foundation (and stock market) to provide it directly. Did I purposely go for a nautically-themed connection between COVES and this trident? NO. THIS INTRO IS OVER.
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Our second post in a ?-part series, we go into detail of why the platforms currently available to retail investors aren’t built in their best interests, as well as provide some powerful steps to take that would provide a platform that truly has the individual investor’s best interests as its focus.
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The first in a ?-part series, we look into the current landscape of the individual investor, why there’s been such a mad dash toward speculative assets, what’s causing it, and what’s on the horizon to shift retail investing from a game of chasing the in-vogue asset to one that provides true power and ownership to the individual.
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Forget the speculative, meme-based cryptoassets like Bitcoin, Dogecoin, and art NFTs: there are cryptotokens being created in the Decentralized Finance space that are rewriting the possibilities of democratized financial instruments at a level not seen since Bogle’s Vanguard revolution in the 1970s.
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The second of our research papers focused on US legislators who potentially used non-public information from the COVID-19 pandemic to inform their stock purchases. We took a look at publicly-available US Representatives Financial Disclosures data to find indications of insider trading by representatives off of the back of their private COVID briefing back in January. While most do not act on this information, we have identified over a dozen representatives that potentially violated the STOCK Act based on the timing and positioning of their transactions.
by Bryan
GameStop/BlackBerry/Bitcoin/Tesla/’s Japan/Mississippi Company/South Sea Company/Tulip Bulbs/etc./etc./etc. Time is a flat circle, and the stock market is a (mostly) rational house built out of irrational bricks.
…Wait, I feel like I’ve said this before…
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Africa always seems to be five years away from being five years away from breaking through…but recent shifts could finally see its promise fulfilled. Unfortunately, there isn’t really a viable path to public equity investment into wide swathes of the continent…yet.
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<ERROR: UPLOAD OF OVER-USED QUOTATION FROM THE DARK KNIGHT ‘youeitherdieaherooryoulivelongenoughtoseeyourselfbecomethevillain.txt’ FAILED FOR UNKNOWN REASONS>
by Bryan
GameStop/BlackBerry/Bitcoin/Tesla/’s Japan/Mississippi Company/South Sea Company/Tulip Bulbs/etc./etc./etc. Time is a flat circle, and the stock market is a (mostly) rational house built out of irrational bricks.