Novatero State of the Funds Report for Q4 2020
by Bryan
A well-constructed investment thesis or a solid concept behind a portfolio is nice, but let’s face it: “it’s about the [returns], stupid.” We take a look into the recent performance of our two funds so far, not just against benchmarks but against expected performance as well.
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MF DOOM, Delivery Apps, and The Split
by Bryan
What can the late “your favorite rapper’s favorite rapper” and apps that deliver groceries tell us about the impending bifurcations in multiple industries?
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Research Paper: Identification of Potential COVID-Related Insider Trading by US Senators Based on Financial Disclosures
by Bryan
Another research paper, but one that’s a bit of a departure from our previous works. We took a look at publicly-available US Senate Financial Disclosures data to find indications of insider trading by senators off of the back of their private COVID briefing back in January. Most senators didn’t act on this nonpublic information, but three senators (Burr, Loeffler, Perdue) have some flags raised in their transactions that need to be investigated further.
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Now Available: Q3 2020 Executive Actions for Self-Enrichment (EASE) Scores
by Bryan
The first release of our EASE scores is up on the site. Check out this blog post or head on over to the EASE page to learn more.
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Research Paper: Determination of Executive Actions for Self-Enrichment (EASE) at the Cost of Corporate Integrity
by Bryan
Our most-recent research paper, in which we call out US public companies run by feckless dipshits on a quarterly basis…with math.
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Updates, the Risk/Reward of Descending in the Fog, and Nickels in Front of a Steamroller
by Bryan
Finally, the long-awaited updates! Promise of an additional post very soon! Today’s society and economy as seen through…professional cycling and heavy machinery?
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[Quick Update] Some items in the interim
by Bryan
A short post with some suggestions for reading, listening, and such for getting through this bear market. Bigger things are just around the corner…
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Dr. StrangeVol, Pt.2: Epidemics, Narratives, and the Market
by Bryan
Given how the markets dropped after my apparently precient previous post, I figure I owe a follow-up.
Bacteria and viruses aren’t the only things that are contagious: narratives can spread and infect as well. The interesting part is how they can affect the market in wildly different ways.
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Dr. StrangeVol or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the VIX
by Bryan
This is a topic that’s been rattling around in my head for a while now. Finally had the time to sit down and make something tangible out of it. Probably not a good excuse the 3-month gap between posts, though.
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Now Available: Information Sheet on CEILING & the Strategy Behind GAIA
by Bryan
Three posts in a row that focus on reading the post and additional material. Perhaps I should start being more succinct?
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